heritage walk

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Hyderabad heritage city

being son of railway employee born/brought up in railway quarters am allowed to
schools of different towns Raichur(Karnataka)/Arkonam(Tamil Nadu)/Vidavalur(Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh). Choose to serve in Border Security Force
and married Hyderabad girl and established Home at Hyderabad. This city is the oldest of the modern cities built some 5 centuries ago.The people though ignorant
unlike the other cities of the same era respect the religion and visitors. Only recent politicians fanning some regionalism .This city boast good transport system RTC
buses .clean/effecient and the RTC staff is the best in the country polite/helpful
. Though those in authority promise the modern metro railway system. Who knows
when will it come to being. The best thing is weather unlike Mumbai it is less humid
not so hot like Delhi,not so congested like kolcatta,and not wayward like chennai
.Can not claim cool as Bangalore but except few summer months it is bearable
H Y D E R A B A D is the best city to live in below Nagpur on the Map of India.
Come to Hyderabad enjoy the good hospitality. Biriyani,charminar,Hussaini sagar lake with statue of Budha and many modern ameneties


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